Continuing the Work
I have now been stateside for two weeks. My placement for field education this year has already been a blessing in terms of understanding what I do with this experience and readjusting. I work for a minister who lived in South America for years, in a congregation that is bilingual and has shown an overwhelming interest in justice and peace issues. As part of my responsibilities, I have been asked to assist with a local organization, the Kentuckiana Interfaith Task Force on Latin American Concerns (KITLAC). I cannot imagine a better context for re-entry.
For those of you who may still look this up, I have some announcements for you all in the coming weeks. This Sunday, in Louisville, an organizer who has worked in the flower industry in Bogota will be speaking at Old Louisville Coffee House, from 7-9 PM. In addition, Vilma Yanez, Moderator of the IPC, will be itinerating here in Louisville the weekend of September 29 through October 1, including potlucks and various speaking engagements. I have already arranged to help with her visit, and I would love to see y'all there.
This will be my last post here at Del Cristo Desplazado. However, I continue to write and contemplate and work for the realization of Christ's reign on earth in a vision of justice and peace. If you would like to read the rest of my ponderings, you can find them at my permanent blog, Catechisms and Cataclysms. It's not updated very often, but when it is, I like to pretend that it's worth reading. Please continue to remember Colombia in your prayers; I remember them every day.
For those of you who may still look this up, I have some announcements for you all in the coming weeks. This Sunday, in Louisville, an organizer who has worked in the flower industry in Bogota will be speaking at Old Louisville Coffee House, from 7-9 PM. In addition, Vilma Yanez, Moderator of the IPC, will be itinerating here in Louisville the weekend of September 29 through October 1, including potlucks and various speaking engagements. I have already arranged to help with her visit, and I would love to see y'all there.
This will be my last post here at Del Cristo Desplazado. However, I continue to write and contemplate and work for the realization of Christ's reign on earth in a vision of justice and peace. If you would like to read the rest of my ponderings, you can find them at my permanent blog, Catechisms and Cataclysms. It's not updated very often, but when it is, I like to pretend that it's worth reading. Please continue to remember Colombia in your prayers; I remember them every day.